Expedition Mail of the Himalaya

Appendix B - Table 1 (DRAFT)

A Detailed Listing of the 1924 British Mt. Everest Expedition Covers


The following is an online version of Appendix B from my book in-work, "Expedition Mail of the Himalaya, A Philatelic Story of the 1921 - 1953 Mail"


Copyright 2022, Eddie Hackstaff

    In this sub-appendix, a detailed listing of expedition covers from the 1924 British Mt. Everest expedition is provided for items that I have been able to identify as unique and document (as of January 2022) . There are more covers in existence than I have documented here and this information will be updated as more items are identified over time.

    Due to the sheer volume of information I have collected associated with the 1924 British Mt. Everest expedition, I have broken this appendix into smaller sub-appendicies by expedition marking as listed in the table below.

    The 2 figures below provide a break down of 87 covers that were mailed from Tibet during the expedition by location and marking. These figures do not include data for covers mailed from Darjeeling or Calcutta. They also do not include data for covers that did not pass through the mail.

    Another great site to find details on the Mt. Everest expedition mail is: www.himalayana.com. I would encourage you to take time and visit the site.

    NOTE (1/1/2022): This web site information is a very recent work in progress. I have a lot more work to publish and I will continue to add as time allows. If you see an error or would like to add clarification to any of my statements, I encourage you to reach out to me with you questions and comments.

Table B1 - Mt. Everest (EV)

Click the link in the table below to access the Appendix B data for each marking.




1924 British
(Postally Used)
(NOT Postally Used)


Copyright 2022, Eddie Hackstaff