Expedition Mail of the Himalaya


Copyright 2021, Eddie Hackstaff

Appendix B - Table 1 (DRAFT)

A Detailed Listing of the 1924 British Mt. Everest Expedition

The Tractor Expedition Marking (M4)



   The "Tractor Expedition" marking (also known as the Tractor Party marking) from the 1924 British Mt. Everest expedition (EV24-M4) was used exclusivly by the Tractor expedition. All covers bearing the marking were mailed through the Yatung, Tibet postal collection facility. It's interesting to note that even though the expedition did not reach Tibet, the mail was still forwarded to the Yatung facility before being routed back through Siliguri, India. The earliest known use (EKU) is on the two covers on June 5, 1924 from Yatung, Tibet (EV24-M4_006 and EV24-M4_011). Even though the Tractor expedition started after the main climbing expedition, it was the first to use any of the expedition markings. June 5th is the EKU for any of the 1924 Everest markings.


Table B1 - 1924 Mt. Everest - The Tractor Expedition (M4) Marking

Identifying Information
Mailed To
Mailed From
Peter Cozens(?)-Hardy
Southgate Home
Winchester, England
Received: 14 July 24
Yatung, Tibet
Dated: 23 June 24
Registered envelope
1 label
Major Bailey
Yatung, Tibet
Received: 25 June 24
Yatung, Tibet? Envelope
Privately forwarded
1 label
Major Bailey
Pharijong, Tibet
Received: 26 June 24
Yatung, Tibet
Dated: 25 June 24
1 label
Capt. Nevill (Assam Political Officer)
Gyangtse, Tibet
Received: 3 Jul 24
Yatung, Tibet
Dated: 28 June 24
Expedition envelope
1 label
India and Tibetan stamps
Lt. Col. H.F.T. Fisher
Secy. Explorers Films Ltd
Empire House
175 Piccadilly
London, W.I.
Received: (?)
Yatung, Tibet
Dated: 7 July 24
1 label
Postage due
The Secretary,
The Club
Srinagar, Cashmere, India
Received: (?)
Yatung, Tibet
Dated: 5 June 24
Expedition envelope
1 label
A Baster Esq
Gangtok, Sikkim
Received: (?)
Yatung, Tibet
Dated: 30 June 24
Picture post card
1 label
A Baster Esq
Gangtok, Sikkim
Received: (?)
Yatung, Tibet
Dated: 30 June 24
Post card
1 label
Dr. Barnes
The Earl of Lytton
Expedition envelope
1 label
Not mailed
Mr. Tostevin
Principal, King Edward College, Amraoti,
Central Provinces, India
Received: 16 July 24
Yatung, Tibet
Dated: 11 July 24
Expedition envelope
1 label
Mr. B. Benziger
The Postmaster
Srinagar, Cashmere [India]
Received: 11 Jun 24
Yatung, Tibet
Dated: 5 Jun 24
Expedition envelope
1 label - not tied with marking
M4 marking on reverse
The Officer Commanding Troops
Agra, United Provinces
Received: 9 Jun 24
Yatung, Tibet
Dated: 5 Jun 24
Expedition envelope
1 label - not tied with marking
M4 marking on reverse

Copyright 2021, Eddie Hackstaff