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Colorado Peaks


This is our history of hiking the lower peaks in Colorado!

   This is an attempt to organize the peaks (other than fourteeners) that we have hiked and climbed. The organization is a bit rough yet, but as more images get scanned, it'll start to take shape.

Eddie and Sheena




 Denver Front Range/South Platte

   Just West of Denver, the foothills merge with the front range. While these are not the most impressive peaks in the Colorado Rockies, they've been a special part of Eddie's life. Several of the peaks and unnamed "bumps" in the region were summited as part of rock climbing or just afternoon wandering.

Mt. Morrison - 7,884 ft / 2403 m elevation
This peak rises from the famous Red Rocks amphitheater. On the slopes of Mt. Morrison, Eddie received his first rock climbing instruction from his close friend, Steve Solon. This is an afternoon trail that has to be one of the greatest spots to watch the sun set on Denver. First climbed 1982
 The Red Rocks parking lot where the hike starts. Eddie's Datsun PU can be seen in the lot.  Half way to the summit.  The view of the city of Morrison from the summit.

  Bald Mtn. - 7,881 ft / 2402 m elevation and True Mtn. - 7,784 ft / 2372 m elevation
These 2 peaks are on private property with limited access. Due to the access restrictions, short hikes and poor trail, I would not recommend the effort to bag these peaks. That said, Bald Mountain is the high point on the Palmer divide that separates the Platte River and Arkansas basins, so it might be a nice check in the peak bagging.

Climbed both with the CMC 2/22/2020

Looking at True Mtn while hiking on Bald Mtn.. Looking at Bald Mtn. from the summit of True Mtn. Looking north down the I25 corridor toward Castle Rock from True Mtn.

  Plymouth - 7,295 ft / 2224 m elevation and Bill Couch- 7,082 ft / 2159 m elevation
Both of these peaks are primarily accessed through Deer Creek Canyon Park. This can be a VERY busy park on most summer days. Early start is recommended.

Climbed Plymouth with Sheena Juli and ? 4/23/2017
Climbed Solo 6/5/2019

On the trail. June 2019 was one of the greenest springs I have ever seen in the front range! On the trail with Sheena and Juli in 2017. Looking at the Denver skyline.
Looking back at the Lockheed Martin Deer Creek facility from the trail.   Eddie on the summit rock pile of Plymouth - 2017.   Looking at Bill Couch on the approach.   A male Blue Grouse along the trail.   A little extra wildlife along the trail that gets a bit more attention and caution. This was one very annoyed rattle snake.

  Carpenter Peak- 7,166 ft / 2184 m elevation
This peak is accessed primarily through Roxburough State Park. Another beautiful front range trail that was incredibly green in the spring of 2019.

Climbed Solo 6/3/2019

On the trail. Looking down on the red rocks that the park is known for. On the summit.

  Berrian Mountain - 9,151 ft / 2789 m elevation
Rising up behind Aspen Park to the north of H285, is the prominent mountain. It's skirted on the south and east by Eagle Cliffs. This is where Eddie began climbing in earnest. Amongst the cliffs are many old routes that still contain pitons from the original climbers in the area. See the Climbing page for more info. Most of Eddie's time here was in the 80's. In the 90's, private property closed access (ass holes)!

 Eagle Cliffs and Berrian Mtn from the parking lot. Jim Wedeman let Eddie borrow his truck for the day.   Eddie at the summit   The view from the summit. Haze is hiding Denver.

  Raleigh Peak - 8,185 ft / 2495 m elevation
This is the central peak of the Top-of-the-World area. Eddie climbed this a few time while rock climbing in the area.

 A great view of the peak from the Colorado Trail.    

  Mt. Anne - 7,936ft / 2419 m elevation
This is an unlisted peak (not named on maps) in the South Platte area just outside of Buffalo Creek. Hiked this 10.5 RT on 5/1/2021 with the CMC. There is actually a summit register! Well worth the off-trail effort.

 On the approach through the Buffalo Creek burn scar. Mt. Anne is the peak in the middle. The route followed the ridge over the left point.  The CMC group making the final scramble to the summit  Eddie on the official summit with Top-of-the-World behind to the left.

  Lions Head - 9,463 ft / 2884 m elevation
Part of a great 12 mile RT hike in Staunton State Park. Hiked this with Nate on 9/22/2020.

 Lions Head from the upper trail.  View from the summit.  

 Mount Evans Region

   A little further west of Denver, this region was accessible from Eddie's first house in about 45 minutes making it a great region to visit. With four 14'ers and a few other peaks we've spent plenty of time here. Eddie has hiked Mt. Bierstadt over 20 times (see the fourteeners page). Most of these trips done while getting ready to climb Mt. Denali.

Mt. Edwards - 13,850 ft / 4221 m elevation, 83rd highest
This peak shares the ridge line with the 14ers Grays and Torreys. It sits just 1.3 miles east of Torreys. The views from the summit are wonderful. Eddie climbed this on 7/1/2011.
  On the summit looking at Mt. Bierstadt and Mt. Evans.   Looking over at Torreys (L) and Grays (R).   This is an awesome view of the Mt. Evans group. From L to R, Gray Wolf is on the edge of the photo, Spalding, Evans, Bierstadt, and Square Top.

  Square Top Peak - 13,794 ft / 4204 m elevation, 111th highest
The views from Mt. Bierstadt make the summit look impressive. However, the summit is long and flat. Hard to find the actual high point.  Need to scan a better image of the peak.

 South West of Guennella Pass on the slopes of the Square Top. Sheena and Eddie had a great view of Mt. Bierstadt and Mt. Evans in the background.   Parking lot on Guennella pass with Square Top behind. Ken Garcia and Shannon in front of "The Buick"   Shannon (?) and Eddie on the summit of Square Top - Sept 1982
  Mt. Spalding - 13,842 ft / 4219 m elevation, 84.5 Highest
The first time Eddie hiked Spalding was on a winter hike in an early snow storm in September 1979. Eddie hiked it again while making the Bierstadt, Saw Tooth, Evans, Spalding loop in 1985.
 This is the 2nd time Eddie climbed Mt. Spalding while doing the Bierstadt - Evans - Spalding loop.    
Gray Wolf Mountain - 13,602 ft / 4146 m elevation, 190th Highest
The first time Eddie hiked Gray Wolf was purely by accident. Heading up in a fall snow storm, headed for Mt. Evans, he wound up going up Gray Wolf first. Back down into the clouds and then up another slope found him on top of Mt. Spalding. Due to continuing snow, he erred on the side of good judgment and headed back to Guennella pass and home.
 Need to find one of the better photos to scan.   Looking toward Mt. Evans from the summit of Gray Wolf Peak (13,602 ft). This was the only break in the clouds - Sept 79  
Cupid Peak - 13,117 ft / 3998m elevation, 555th Highest
Just east of Loveland Pass sits Cupid peak. In May 1998, Eddie hoped to climb Grizzly Peak as a last haike before moving to Germany and the first peak since breaking his back. As luck would have it, weather and snow stopped him on the summit of a peak he didn't know even had a name.
 A view north from the summit.   On the summit   Eddie on the summit.
Chief Mountain - 11,709 ft / 3569m elevation
A great short hike with Nate on 11/19/2020. Could have used my micro spikes due to the heavily used trail..
 Eddie on the summit.    

 Kenosha/Tarryall Ranges

   Just south of Kenosha Pass on highway 285 lies the much over looked ranges of South Platte, Kenosha and Tarryall ranges. While these ranges don't sport any of the high peaks (the highest is 12,431), they make for a fast enjoyable getaway from the hustle and bustle of Denver. Just about all of this area is located in the Lost Creek Wilderness area and parallels the South Platte river.

North Twin Cone - 12,323 ft elevation
This peak anchors the north end of the range and has good year round access from Kenosha Pass. Because of the heavy 4 wheel drive use in the summer, it is best hiked in the winter. Eddie climbed this on 6/13/2014.
  Eddie on the summit of North Twin Cone.   The radio tower that keeps this summit out of the wilderness area.   A view of North Twin Cone from Mt. Blaine.

  Mount Blaine - 12,303 ft elevation
This peak is a small very rocky bump straight east of North Twin Cone. Eddie climbed this on 6/13/2014. A VERY windy day.

  Eddie on the summit of Mt. Blaine trying to stand up in the wind. This is just below the summit, but couldn't get the actual summit photo by himself.   Looking at Mt. Blaine from the summit of North Twin Cone.   Mt. Bierstadt (L) and Mt. Evans (R) from the summit of Blaine.
  South Twin Cone - 12,340 ft elevation
This peak is the highest peak in the north end of the range. It's beautiful cone shaped summit can be seen from South Park. Eddie climbed this on 6/13/2014. A VERY windy day!
  Eddie on the summit of South Twin Cone.   Looking south along the range from the summit of South Twin Cone   Looking over Mt. Blaine at Mt. Bierstadt (L) and Mt. Evans (R) from the summit of South Twin Cone.

Bison Peak - 12,431 ft /3789 m elevation
This peak is perhaps the most spectacular peak in the Tarryall range and has a spectacular rocky summit plateau.

Eddie first attempted this peak with Andy Westmeyer on 1/27/2013. But due to snow and wind, the summit wasn't reached.

On September 14, 2014, Eddie and Sheena summited the peak.

  Eddie in the snow, wind and cold with the summit behind.   Some of the spectacular rock formations on the summit plateau.   Andy Westmeyer in the snow with the summit behind.
  Just above timberline, the valley where the trails starts can just be seen in the right. Sheena can also be seen coming up the trail.   The spectacular rock formations as seen from the trail not far from the summit.   Eddie on the summit rocks   Eddie and Sheena on the summit.   Sheena signing the summit register.

James Peak Region/Wilderness Area

   Just West of Denver, this is another region that is very accessible from Denver. The James Peak Wilderness area is the continental divide section between the Indian Peaks to the north and Berthoud Pass to the southwest. Before becoming a separate wilderness area, this area was sometimes considered part of the Indian Peaks area.

  James Peak - 13,294 ft / 4052 m elevation, 405h highest
James Peak is the 5th highest summit in the range. Eddie has summited this peak over 5 times.
   One of Eddie's favorite pastimes was to fly over many of the peaks he spent time hiking around. This is an aerial view of James Peak from the south with Ice Lake below.  A view of James Peak from the summit of Mt. Bancroft.
  Eddie on the summit of James Peak (13,294 ft) with Leslie Sly - July 1981   A 1984 winter accent of James Peak with Dick Stone.   Glissading down a snow field just below the summit.   Eddie at the top of St. Mary's Glacier. Not much left as we approach 2020. This used to be a large enough snow field/glacier that you could ski it all year round.  

  Mt. Bancroft - 13,250 ft / 4039 m elevation
This is the 8th highest summit in the Indian Peaks. Eddie has summited this peak probably over 10 times.

  In this aerial view from the north east looking at the snow capped Mt. Bancroft and all 5 lakes below. Mt. Parry can be seen behind Mt. Bancroft at the top edge of the image.   On the summit of Mt. Bancroft.   Eddie and Bob Griffith on the summit July 2011. This was Bob's 1st summit.

 Parry Peak - 13,391 ft / 4082 m elevation, 324th highest

This is the highest peak in the James Peak group. Parry Peak is often considered the parent peak to Mt. Bancroft. Eddie has summited this peak less than 10 times.

  On the summit with the storms coming in.   A view of Parry Peak from the summit of Mt. Bancroft.  
 Mt. Eva - 13,130 ft / 4002 m elevation
Eddie has summited this peak only a couple times.
  A view of Eva from the trail/road to Lock Lomond. Eddie climbed the ridge between the sun and shadow.   Still need to scan the summiting photos.  

 Indian Peaks Region/Wilderness Area

Just West of Boulder, is the area that Eddie cut his hiking teeth on. This area encompasses a large area to the south of Rocky Mountain National Park. The peaks range from 11,000 to 13,000 feet - no 14'ers. Today it has been designated as a Wilderness area, protecting it for future generations to enjoy as much as I have. The most popular aspect of the area is the St. Marys Glacier. Although the glacier is getting smaller each year, it used to be a popular ski area with good access to Denver. Below are some of my hikes in the area.

 South Arapaho Peak - 13,397 ft elevation This was the first mountain Eddie ever climbed that was above timberline. Dad H. took all three of us up the peak and we had a great time. I was hooked!
  Eddies 1st peak. South Arapaho Peak in the Indian peaks area. Left to Right - Eddie, Marion, Juli  Last push for the summit of So. Arapaho - June 74   North Arapaho from the South.
  Eddies 1st summit - South Arapaho Peak (13,397ft). Left to Right - Juli, Marion, Eddie and Barney - June 74        
 Mt. Audubon - 13,221 ft / 4030 m elevation Eddie climbed this peak from Camp Tahosa while at scout camp.
  The Trail head from the Boy Scout camp - Camp Tahosa in the Indian peaks area.    Indian peaks range from the summit of Mt. Audubon (13233 ft) - July 74. Eddies 2nd summit   Looking toward Longs Peak from the summit of Mt. Audubon
  Sliding down the arrowhead glacier on Mt. Audubon         
 Mt. Sawtooth - 12,304 ft / 3750m elevation This was always a fun peak to climb. Eddie did it at least 3 times.
  Eddie on the summit of Sawtooth (12304 ft) in the Indian Peaks - Aug 1982 with Ken Garcia      
 Mt. Elktooth - 12,484 ft / 3916m elevation This was Eddie's dream peak for the longest time. He tried to summit twice and was turned around by weather. On the 3rd try in spring of 1992 Sheena and Eddie successfully summitted the peak!
  Eddie's 1st good view of Mt. Elk Tooth in the Indian peaks St. Vrain valley - 1981     Eddie on the Middle St. Vrain trail with our destination in the background - Elktooth.   Some SERIOUS talus getting to the base of Elktooth
  Sheena climbing the snow coulier on Elktooth   Eddie climbing the snow coulier on Elktooth   Eddie and Sheena on the summit of Elktooth (12848 ft) in the Indian peaks area.   Back to the car after a beautiful success on Elktooth.  
 Pawnee Peak - 12,943 ft / 3945 m elevation Hiked with the Colorado Mountain Club. 8/23/2022
On the hike past Long Lake.
 Eddie on Pawnee Pass. Pawnee Peak summit is on the left.  The CMC group on the summit. Shoshoni, Navajo and Apache peaks can be seen behind the group.
 Shoshoni Peak - 12,967 ft / 3952 m elevation Hiked with Dad, Juli, Kelly Thomas, Leslie Sly, and Barney (dog). Barney injured his paws and we had to carry him down. 8/5/81
  Kelly Thomas coming up the trail toward Pawnee Pass   Looking along the ridge toward Navajo (L) and Apache (R). Shoshoni is just out of the photo to the left.   The summit of Shoshoni.
 Hiamovi Tower (Spire) - 12,220 ft elevation This was supposed to be one of those hard-core climbing weekends. Eddie and Sheena backpacked into Hell Valley and set up camp. The plan was to climb 3 peaks starting with Hiamovi Spire. As usual, Eddie got off route on the 4th pitch and it became much harder. Then the worst happened, while Sheena was leading a rotten pitch, the rock broke loose and she took a bad fall, fracturing her ankle. Two days hiking out (Sheena refused rescue) and 2 surgeries to her ankle and all was well again.
  Eddie leading a 5.6 section on Hiamovi spire.   Sheena following the technical route on Hiamovi Spire in the Indian Peaks wilderness.   This route was ONLY supposed to be 5.6. NOT overhanging 5.9! Eddie checking the guide book on a belay ledge.
  Sheena after the fateful fall that broke her ankle on Hiamovi Spire (12,220 ft) in the Indian peaks area.        

 Ten Mile - Mosquito Range

This range runs from Frisco/I70 at the north end to the continental divide/Hoosier (Ten Mile Range), and from there south to Highway 285 at Trout Creek Pass (Mosquito Range). This is a range of broad rounded summits and a handful of 14ers. However, the sheer number of 13ers and accessibility from Denver make this a great range to play in. The following list is organized from north to south.

Peak 5 - 12,855 ft elevation
While hiking segment 7 of the Colorado Trail, Sheena, Juli Cooley and Lisa Peterson took a break at the saddle between Cooper Mountain Ski Resort and Gold Hill (near Breckenridge), Eddie took off and climbed Peak 5. 9/27/2014
 Looking toward the peak, Eddie wasn't sure which bump was the official summit.   So he did both bumps and took photos to make sure. Peak 4 can be seen along the ridge to the left.  A fellow hiker sharing the mountain...
Peak 10 - 13,633 ft /4155 m elevation, 178th highest
A fun excursion on the way up Crystal Peak. Eddie climbed this with Suzanna Koeller on 8/26/2011
  Suzanna Koeller approaching the summit of Peak 10   Suzanna signing the summit register on Peak 10.   Eddie on the summit of Peak 10 - thus the 10 fingers.
Crystal Peak - 13,852 ft /4222 m elevation, 82nd highest
This peak anchors the north end of the 10 Mile range. Eddie climbed this with Suzanna Koeller on 8/26/2011
  Crystal Peak at the end of the valley.   Suzanna on the saddle between Peak 10 and Crystal in the background.   Looking south from the summit. Quandary (L) and Pacific (R) with several in between that Eddie has climbed.
  Suzanna and Eddie on the summit of Crystal.   Suzanna on the summit of Crystal with Peak 10 on the left. They had just come from Peak 10.      
Pacific Peak - 13,950ft /4252 m elevation, 61st highest To be climbed   Looking at Pacific from Crystal. Note the 2 climbers approaching the summit.    
Atlantic Peak - 13,841 ft /4219 m elevation, 86th highest To be climbed      
Fletcher Mountain - 13,951 ft /4252 m elevation, 59th highest
This peak is the highest in the range. It lies just 1.2 miles west of Mt. Quandary. The two can be climbed together making for a great day. Eddie climbed this on 7/15/2011
  A cute marmot watching me as Eddie begins his hike.   A view of the summit (R) from just above the snow fields. Drift Peak can be seen on the left.   The west ridge of Quandary (14,265') from the summit of Fletcher. You can see the trail leading to the summit.
  Looking south at Drift Peak (13,900') from the summit. A bit too much snow to attempt without an ice ax and ridged boots.   Looking north from the summit at Atlantic (low), Pacific (with notch), Crystal, Peak 10 and Father Dyer Peak.   Eddie on the summit of Fletcher with Quandary behind.    
Clinton Peak - 13,857 ft /4224 m elevation, 80th highest
This peak was the 1st of three peaks for the day. Clinton has the distinct position of sitting on the continental divide, straddling both the Ten Mile and Mosquito ranges. Eddie climbed this 3 peak circuit on 7/13/2012
  First view of Clinton hiking up the valley.   A view of both summits on Clinton. The close summit is only a few feet lower than the true summit in the back.   A view to the north of several centennial peaks and Quandary.
McNamee Peak - 13,780 ft /4200 m elevation, 117.5th highest
OK, so it's not a ranked peak, but it has a name and Eddie hiked it going from Clinton to Traver. Eddie climbed this 3 peak circuit on 7/13/2012
  Looking down the ridge from Clinton to McNamee. Traver is on the left end of the ridge with Mt Democrat (14,148') in the background.   The summit of McNamee with Clinton in the background.   Looking at Traver from the summit of McNamee. In the background you can see (L - R) Mt. Lincoln (14,286'), Mt. Cameron (14,238') and Mt. Democrat.
Traver Peak - 13,852 ft /4222 m elevation, 82.5th highest
Another unranked peak. Not sure why not (232' of prominence), but it had great views of Clinton and the back side of Mt. Lincoln. Eddie climbed this 3 peak circuit on 7/13/2012
  Looking south from the summit of Mt. Traver.   Looking from the summit of Traver along the ridge to Mt. Democrat. Mt. Bross (14,172') can just be seen on the left.  
  Mount Buckskin - 13,865 ft /4226 m elevation, 76th highest To be climbed      
  Mount Silverheels - 13,822 ft /4213 m elevation, 96th highest
This is an awesome peak! An easy hike, but the views cannot be beat. You can see the entire Ten Mile/Mosquito range from its' summit. Eddie and Sheena climbed this 7/11/2014.
 The trees at timberline were stunning.  First view of the summit from a sub-summit.  Sheena on her way up the slopes. The sub-summit can be seen below.
  Our cheering section of bighorn sheep.   They moved from the ridgeline, but kept an eye on us.   Looking west at Mt. Quandary and several other centennial peaks. Note the sharp summit of Pacific Peak to the right of Quandary.   Sheena relaxing on the summit with an awesome view of several 14'ers and centennial 13'ers behind her.   Eddie and Sheena on the summit!
Mount Evans - 13,577 ft /4138 m elevation, 204th highest To be climbed      
Dyer Mt. - 13,855 ft /4223 m elevation, 81st highest To be climbed      
  Gemini Peak - 13,951 ft /4252 m elevation, 59.5th highest
This is the highest 13er in the Mosquito range. Eddie and Sheena climbed this with Suzanna Koeller on 7/27/2012. Eddie had tried to do this peak once before but took a wrong turn and went to the White Ridge summit (oops). It was finally hiked via Mt. Sherman.
 Sheena, Eddie and Suzanna Koeller on the summit of Mt. Sherman (14,036') with the twin summits of Gemini to the right.  Suzanna and Sheena on the summit.  Eddie on the summit of Gemini pointing at Mt. Sherman that they will all need to cross back over for the 2nd time that day.
  Mt. Sheridan - 13,748 ft /4190 m elevation, 126th highest
A wonderful hike up both Mt. Sheridan (to get the photo of Mt. Sherman) and up to the summit of Mt. Sherman and down along the white ridge. The weather was great, albeit windy!
 Eddie on the summit of Mt. Sheridan with Mt. Sherman in the background. Checkout the Lear Jet hat and the Buick belt buckle ... what style!   Mt. Sheridan from the summit of Mt. Sherman.   Mt. Sheridan from the white ridge.
  Horseshoe MT - 13,898 ft /4236 m elevation, 72nd highest
This is was a long hike along the south ridge from Weston Pass. This hike included four new summits in one day. Eddie and Sheena climbed this 7/12/2013.
 Eddie on Point 13,717 with Point 13,676 and Horseshoe Mt. behind.   Looking across Point 13,676 at Horseshoe Mt. and Mt. Sherman.   The summit of Point 13,676 had spectacular flat gray rocks with red lichen. It looked like pictures from the surface of Mars.
  From the summit of Horseshoe you can clearly see (L - R) Mt. Sheridan, Mt. Sherman and the white ridge.   Another great view of Mt. Sherman looking across the red slopes of Horseshoe.   Eddie and Sheena on the summit.   Sheena heading back up and over Point 13,676 on the way back from the summit. You can see the mine shack near the summit of Horseshoe.  
  Ptarmigan Peak - 13,739 ft /4188 m elevation, 182.5th highest
This was the start of the climb to Horseshoe Mt. We can't believe this is not a ranked peak. Eddie and Sheena climbed this 7/12/2013.
  Eddie and Sheena on the summit of Ptarmigan.     From the summit of Ptarmigan Peak, you can see Point 13,717, Horseshoe Mt. and Mt. Sherman (14,036').  Sheena coming down from the summit of Ptarmigan heading for Point 13,717.

 Sawatch Range/Collegiate Peaks Area

Just west of the Arkansas river, this is a stunning range with a range of some of the most accessible peaks in central Colorado

  Browns Peak - 13,523 ft /4122 m elevation, xxxth highest
Tagged Browns on the way to Huron. Not many photos due to bad weather.
  The view of Browns from where I started the hike to Huron.   The view from the summit.  
  Point 13,462 - 13,462 ft /4103 m elevation, 279th highest
Tagged this point on the way to Huron. Not many photos due to bad weather.
  OK... no photo. I didn't realize until later that this point was a listed summit.   However, since it's on the ridge hike from Middle Mountain where I started the hike to Huron, you can assume it was tagged.  
  Middle Mountain - 13xxx ft /4xxx m
After parking on the jeep trail below Middle Mountain, I worked up the switch backs to the summit. From here I started my hike to Huron. Not many photos due to bad weather.
 Eddies CJ7 Jeep parked at the start of the switch backs below the peak.   A view of Middle Mountain and the Jeep trail from the summit of Browns.  
  Emerald Peak - 13,904 ft elevation, 71st highest
The first time Eddie saw this peak from Mt. Belford, he knew he had to climb it. It is one of the most perfect looking peaks sitting by itself out in the Missouri basin.
 Eddie and Sheena on the summit. Iowa and Missouri are in the background.   The beautiful peak sitting in the Missouri basin.   A view of the peak from the camp site.
  Iowa Peak - 13,831 ft m elevation, 91.5th highest
In order to access Emerald and Iowa Peaks requires a backpacking trip past 3 fourteeners, over the highest foot path in Colorado and into the Missouri basin.
  Sheena and Eddie on the summit. Sheena relaxing on the summit of Iowa with Emerald in the background.   A view of Iowa (L) and Missouri (R) as seen from the summit of Emerald.
  Birthday Peak - 12,749 ft elevation
This peak sits on the south ridge of Mt. Harvard. Eddie hiked this peak with Glen Marlin. Headed for Harvard, the trail was to crowded so they opted for something else and wound up on this summit. Summited 9/2/90
  Photos to come    


Other Peaks


Midland Hill - 9556 ft / 2913m elevation
This is a very fun peak/hill to hike up. We have always enjoyed the hike while staying in Beuna Vista. It makes for a great morning hike before it gets too hot. The hike starts in town, crosses the river on a foot bridge and heads up the hill on Trail 6032. Click the thumbnail for a map of the trail.
  Sheena on the summit on a nice sunny day in March 2004. We were in BV for the annual Banana Belt Stamp Bourse and took a break to stretch the legs.   Eddie on the summit. A great view of Mt. Princeton in the background. The views of the Collegiate range is wonderful from the summit.