Wine, the elixir of life...

and beer too!


The wine cellar that we built in the old 2nd bathroom of our house.

Eddie hang'n with his children

The back-up storage in a Eurocave in the garage

Working on a re-org of the Eurocave



Great Burgundy wine is like an orgasm. "If you're not sure whether you've had one, you haven't. If you have had one, you want another one as quickly as possible".

- - - Simon Woods

The background image. A single vine and poppy flower, after the storm along Le route de vin.

Opened this 63' Cockburn in 2013. Half a century in the bottle and it was perfect except the cork was a little worse for the wear. Just goes to show, 50 is AWESOME!

An great 95' Chateau Angelus from Bordeaux.

One of our favorite wineries in Oregon - Cristom

Eddie taking his Bordeaux wine class. It was tough. 16 wines in 4 tasting over 2 months. I think I should retake the class ;-)

Another Bordeaux class with my class mate, Sheena. She always lets me peek at her notes if I "put out".

   Our love of wine didn't start until we lived in Germany. While we were there, we had the pleasure of taking some local wine classes and spending time in excellent wine bars that were always happy to teach newbies about wine.