Expedition Mail of the Himalaya


NOTE: Since this is a unique cover, I have combined the Appendix B and Appendix C data on one page.

Copyright 2022, Eddie Hackstaff

Appendix B - Table 1 (DRAFT)

A Detailed Listing of the 1935 British Mt. Everest Expedition

Marking (M1)




   In 1935 the British once again launched an expd to Mt Everest using the north route out of Gangtok.

   Previous philatelic documentation does not identify any 1935 expd markings. However, this cover clearly shows a rectangular marking device existed, making this the only documented cover from this expd. This cover was mailed from and to Darjeeling on July 3rd while the team was just arriving at the Rongbuk glacier base camp. It was most likely used by an expedition support member that was still in Darjeeling. It is not known if the marking device was accidentally left behind in Darjeeling since no other covers are known.

   As a special note, a young 19-year-old Tenzing Norgay was hired for the first time on the 1935 Mt Everest expd. Even though he was the least qualified of the final candidates, expd records state that he was hired because of his great smile. Tenzing went on to great fame in the story of Mt. Everest.


Table B1 - 1935 Mt. Everest - M1 Marking

Identifying Information
Mailed To
Mailed From

Mr. Jordan (?)
Telegraph Office
Darjeeling, (India)
Dated: 3 July 1935

Darjeeling, (India) The only known use of this marking

Appendix C

Details of Cover EV35-M1_001


Cover addressed to the Telegraph Officer in Darjeeling bearing a KGV ½a and 3p India stamp tied by Darjeeling cancel dated 3 July 35. Cover bears a single expedition mark. This is the only known example of the use of this mark.

Courtesy of the Bard Collection, www.himalayana.com

Copyright 2022, Eddie Hackstaff