Background image of the rotunda ceiling in Mosta.

view of the harbor

March 23, 2000 - Mediterranean
the last stop on the Mediterranean cruse. After entering the spectacular
harbor at LaValletta, we disembarked and travelled to the ancient
fortified city of Mdina where we toured the ancient St Pauls Cathedral.
Evidence of settlements in Mdina go back to before 4000 BC. It was
possibly first fortified by the around 700 BC. Legend has it that
it was here, around 60 CE, that Paul the Apostle lived after his
shipwreck on the islands.
touring Mdina, we travelled to the city of Mosta. At Mosta, the
tour stopped at the Rotunda of St Marija Assunta. We were so tired
at this point during trip and tired of touring cathedrals, we almost
didn't go in for the tour. However, we decided to go with the group.
The cathedral has the third largest unsupported dome in the World.
Having toured the other two larger rotundas while travelling around
Europe, this was the most amazing. The inside of the rotunda is
brightly lit with spectacular frescos. During WWII, a bomb came
through the rotunda, bounced around the room not hitting any of
the citizens that were sheltering there during air raid and stopped
at the base of the statue of Jesus. Not one person was injured and
the town still considers it a miracle. The bomb was defused and
is still on display in a side room. You can also see the mark where
the bomb came through the rotunda in the background image.

The Costa Rivera cruise ship

Map of the cruise route

Another pic from the cruise
